Tag Archives: Atomic Advent

Doctor Dreadful Radioactive Experiments

2019 Atomic Advent Calendar Gift Ideas Day 16

Doctor Dreadful is a series of edible food labs to make gross, disgusting, strange, weird, and wacky foods and drinks you can enjoy. Looks gross! Tastes great!

In 1996, Tyco developed a series of three Radioactive Experiments including the Nuclear Freeze, the Nuclear Explosion, and the Nuclear Blob — promising foaming drinks or bubbling blobs that taste delicious.

To conduct the experiments, you simply mix the Nuclear Explosion parts together (in pouches), and, ta-da — foaming, blobbing, goopy messes of tasty sugar.

For just $3.96 (or $6.49 in 2019 dollars), you can gross out your friends and family.

Everything’s gone radioactive! Get yours now!

G.I. Joe Radiation Detection Action Set

2019 Atomic Advent Calendar Gift Ideas Day 15

G.I. Joe moved from the battlefield to the adventure field, fighting such adversaries as ecological disasters and wild animals instead of other humans. Joe was now part of the Adventure Team, ready for action and adventures in the jungles, desserts, mountains, oceans, and radioactive landscapes.

Need a clean up in Hanford? Spill some radiation at Oak Ridge? Drop some uranium ore in Los Alamos? Never fear, as Joe’s ready to detect some radiation with his green jump suit, handy belt with secure container, goggles, and pincer arm to get that pesky (simulated) uranium rock out of the way. All the safety equipment needed! His flocked hair and beard is sure to keep that pesky ionizing radiation from doing damage!

G.I. Joe Adventure Team Radiation Detection equipment and clothing sets retailed for $1.99 each ($12.25 in 2019 dollars) at all the major toy outlets beginning in 1972, and you could often buy two sets for only $3.00 (a bargain at $18.46 in 2019 dollars).

If your parents are generous, be sure to ask them for the Mike Power, Atomic Man, action figure to put that (simulated) uranium rock juice to good use.

Homer Simpson Hot Wheels Nuclear Waste Van

2019 Atomic Advent Calendar Gift Ideas Day 14

Not only will Homer deliver your nuclear waste for free, just like Amazon, you can also zing along a Hot Wheels orange track in your living room! Don’t forget to look inside and check out the view through the lens on the back of the truck.

In the early ’90s soon after the Simpsons first aired, the world had gone nuts for all things Homer and Bart. Don’t have a cow, man, just pretend nuclear waste is fun and exciting, or you can eat my shorts. Cowa-nuclear-bunga, dude!

You could pick this up for only $2.99 at Toys-R-Us, which you can’t do anymore. (That’s $5.88 in 2019 dollars.)

And here’s someone really enjoying their new Homer Simpson Nuclear Waste Delivery Vans.